welcome to the


moving health & care into web3 and the metaverse

NFT collection launching soon

Heroes of Healthcare

Honoring the waymakers of disruptive developments in the history of medicine. Their work, their knowledge, their passion, very likely made our lives even possible. Just like they went small and big steps in what they knew was right and necessary, we are here to go our little steps into the web3 and the metaverse, to not only see but to co-create the next chapter for health, care and wellbeing.

Launching Sept. 11 2023 at 6pm CET: #1 Hippocrates - Father of Medicine

Join the movement


Whether you are a healthcare professional, a caregiver, a patient, or a nft enthusiast - we are moving forward together.While mostly based in Germany and Switzerland, we focus on the broader web3 perspective. We speak English and German and welcome anybody from around the world to be part of the next chapter in disrupting healthcare.We meet virtually in the Discord to get to know each other, share our discoveries, work on projects, and schedule video and metaverse meetings.Join us to build the future of health, care, and wellbeing.

Join the Discord:


Who are we

We are a growing community of doctors, healthcare professionals and web3 pioneers.

@nonfungibledoctor (founder)
